Bike Commuting: Safety

This post is the third in a series on bike commuting and covers some of the "how" related to bike commuting. Other posts include How?, Why?, When?, and Weather Issues.

Update: just posted a great article titled "How To Handle a Bike Accident With a Vehicle." It's a great read outlining the steps you should take if you are involved in a bike/car accident. The same principles apply in just about any moving-vehicle accident.

From the article-

"So what do you do if you're in a cycling accident with a vehicle? If you're healthy enough to walk away from the crash site, that doesn't mean you should consider that the only victory you need. Instead, take these steps to make sure you're as protected as you can be."


When I tell people that I commute by bicycle to work year-round I get some pretty interesting responses. After telling me I'm crazy, the responses generally fall into three basic categories-

  1. "It rains 9 months of the year in Seattle."

  2. "It is really dark for 6 months out of the year."

  3. "Wait, don't you live at the top of a big hill?"

My first response is typically a rip-off of Dr. Sheldon Cooper: "I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested." Well, she didn't actually have me tested but it does get a laugh. Am I crazy for riding in the rain? Sometimes I wonder about that myself. I bike in all weather except snow/ice.

Sunny and hot? Check.

Sunny and cold? Check.

Cold and monsoon rain? Check.

Dark when I leave in the morning and dark when I get home in the evening? Check.

Dark and raining so hard that you literally POUR water out of your shoes? Check.

When I walk in the door, dripping wet and soaked through to the skin with a smile on my face, my wife always looks at me funny.

Me: "Wow, I feel like a wet rat."

Wife: "...And my nose is cold! And my tail is cold!" (Quoting 101 Dalmatians)

It is possible to be soaking wet and still warm but I'll leave that for a future post about commuting in the rain.

General safety

Safety is my #1 concern for any outdoor activity, much to the dismay of my children. My most stressful time as a parent was standing at the top of a 750 foot cliff east of Seattle with my three boys. I have never been more afraid as a parent as I was during our 15 minutes at the top looking down at the lake below. Now I understand those "child leashes" you see at the mall. Call me a control freak but when my kids repeated ignored my request to "stay away from the edge!" it ended our little hiking trip in a hurry. This is one of the few photos I took from the top before we headed down-

Boy #3 looking out over the great expanse of the Cascades from Rattlesnake Ledge just east of Seattle.

Boy #3 looking out over the great expanse of the Cascades from Rattlesnake Ledge just east of Seattle.

I could write page after page after page of basic safety information but I'm sure most of you don't need to partake of that particular brand of sleep-aid. Countless other folks have addressed that issue far more eloquently and authoritatively. I can't get away from some of that but, instead of waxing profoundly obvious, I hope to contribute some of the things I do that may be unique, peculiar, or just plain odd.

Riding a bicycle on roads in the U.S. is a risky proposition no matter how you slice it. You could be riding along a country road, minding your own business, when *BAM!* you are hit from behind by a driver with a suspended license who isn't paying attention (driver in this case claimed to not even know he hit a cyclist and continued on his way to work). You can't avoid the bad choices of other nut-jobs out there but you can make it easier for them to see you and avoid getting into a bad situation.


A friend from work, who commutes by both bicylcle and motorcycle, gave me this advice a couple of years ago: "Treat all cars as if they don't see see you. You are invisible to them."

What happens when they don't see you? You have to take evasive action...

The rider in that case was crossing in a crosswalk, with the walk signal in his favor, and still was hit.  The driver wasn't paying attention and was trying to run a light. Riding between stopped cars like that is also fraught with peril but the main issue here is that the driver simply didn't see the rider in time to miss him. She did see him early enough to only tap him with her car as opposed to running straight through him which undoubtedly saved his life.

So how do you make yourself seen? After you have realized that you cannot make people see you, consider the following steps-

  • Bright Clothing - the fluorescent green/yellow jackets seem to be very popular these days. I have a couple of jerseys that color but my jackets are old-school yellow. "Construction orange" also works well. On cold days I look something like this-

Me at the Cape Blanco lighthouse, Cape Blanco State Park, Cycle Oregon 2011 Day 4.
  • Reflective clothing and bike stickers - Most of my fall/winter commute clothing has reflective piping, screen printing, or decals. My bike and bags have them too. I even added a few. The best reflective material for stickers is the stuff they use to make road signs. There are various sources out there on the interwebs.

  • "Other" lights - I have been experimenting with other forms of "non-traditional lighting" for my bike. (UPDATE: My bike light review!) Seeing a guy with his bike wrapped completely in Christmas lights inspired me. A couple of people around Seattle even have the Down-Low Glow. This subject will have to have its own after I have some time to play with the lights and actually review them.

Not completely sold on the idea of bright clothing? This video does a nice job illustrating the difference between a cyclist wearing a bright jacket and one wearing all black. Which one would you rather be while riding in traffic on a rainy night?

Riding on trails

As far as overall safety is concerned you can't beat trails. Without the threat of cars your chances of actually dying while riding are significantly reduced. While this is true about fatalities it is not necessarily true about injuries or incidents in general. Trails are filled with other types of traffic such as walkers, joggers, kids just learning to ride their bicycle, skateboarders, roller-bladers, and, my all-time favorite, cross-country skiers. Yes, I have seen skiers on the trails that I use in the Redmond area but they are typically riding on skis with wheels. If this were Butte, Montana there might be real skiers on the trail but that would require actual snow.

...or cross-country snow boarders. You can't make this stuff up, but I digress.

I have a commute route that is back roads and trails all the way home. Yes, it is about 2.5 miles further but on cold, dark, rainy days I would much rather take the long way home and meet 2-5 cars than be passed by 100+ cars with impaired visibility and stopping distance.

Some tips for trail riding-

  1. Cover your light: When you pass oncoming traffic, be sure to cover your bright-as-the-surface-of-the-sun headlight. It's tough to see when you are riding into a bright headlight. As you get closer to an oncoming rider, cover your light with your hand. I've been known to shout at people who don't do this because if I can't see the least I can do is annoy or scare you. }B^)

  2. Watch out for young kids on small bikes. Multi-use trails, like the Burke-Gilman Trail in Seattle or Lake Shore Drive in Chicago, have all types of traffic but young kids, although cute, are the worst. They are unsteady, slow, and, worst of all, unpredictable. Don't get me wrong, I love watching little kids learn to ride, and they should always be allowed on public trails, but I find them very difficult to ride around safely.

  3. DO NOT wear headphones. They are very distracting and you can't hear me yell "on your left". Or the cursing of that jogger you just side-swiped.

  4. Watch out for Dog Walkers. Gotta love them. Most dogs are curious and want to play, unless they are looking to chew off your face. Either way dogs love to come toward you or dart across the trail to clothesline you with their leashes. Give them lots of room, slow down, and keep your hands on the brakes.

Riding in traffic

If you like to ride faster than 15 MPH then roads are pretty much your only legal choice in Washington State. Some trails have speed limits at 15 MPH, some don't have any, and some are as low as 10 MPH (no, I'm not kidding).

I have heard a few cyclists say that you must assume that all cars are trying to kill you. While this does put you in a defensive mindset while riding, which is a good thing, it can make you over paranoid and that doesn't really help you ride safer. You should ALWAYS be on the look-out and ready to react.

...even when you are riding across Africa and forget to yield to cross traffic, which apparently doesn't stop.

  1. Get a rear-view mirror. I use the 3rd Eye bicycle mirror bar end mirror. It has the perfect mix of adjusts and stability.

  2. Stay OFF the sidewalks! The only times I have EVER come close to hitting a bicycle rider while driving my car was when they were riding on a sidewalk at a faster-than-jogging speed (i.e. more than about 8 MPH). Drivers don't expect sidewalk traffic to be going faster than that speed so they rarely look.

  3. Ride in bike lanes or, when there is no bike lane, in the lane of traffic. Your local laws may vary, but in Washington State you are allowed to ride wherever it is safe: if the bike lane is not safe then you are allowed to take the lane (RCW 46.61.770)

  4. MOST IMPORTANT: be predictable.

Your local and state laws may differ significantly from Washington State so make sure to do your homework.

When I am riding in traffic I go for bike lanes and wide shoulders, preferring roads with these features over those that don't. If you find yourself on a road without either I suggest taking up a lane. Yes, I mean that you should block traffic if you have to. If you ride too close to the right then cars are tempted to squeeze past in the remaining space which may not be the safest thing for you, the rider. You should always use your best judgement and obey traffic laws but that is my personal suggestion about lane placement.

Drafting and Pace Lines

Call them drafters, pace lines, wheel suckers, whatever.. I hate them. Not that I personally dislike the riders I just don't like riding that close to other riders. It rarely turns out well for me. Several times, as recently as last month, I have almost crashed in pace-lines because of the stupid actions of another rider. Being in a pace line is a privilege, not a right. If you learn the etiquette and hand signals for pace line riding it can be a life-saver on long rides. It can also be a disaster.

Moral of the story: don't use aero-bars unless you are at the FRONT of the pace line. 

Many times people have come up behind me to draft and I don’t even know they are there. Now that I ride with a rear-view mirror this is not as much of a problem. One day back in '07, while riding home on a local MUT, I passed a guy going the other direction who waved vigorously and shouted, “Hi Tim!” Someone behind me shouted something like, “Hi Mark!” He was so close it almost made me jump out off my bike. I had no clue he was there. Perhaps I should be doing a routine clearing of the baffles a la “Crazy Ivan” from Red October (my wife’s suggestion)? Drafting behind someone without their knowledge seems like a very dangerous situation.

Not long after that I was riding on the Sammamish River Trail from Bothell to Redmond in Washington State. I passed through a section with some tight turns under a railroad trestle in Redmond. As I came around one of the bends I found a mother goose crossing the trail with her goslings. Canadian geese are very common in Redmond along the Sammamish River, especially in the fall and spring. Good thing I had already slowed down for the blind curves. When I saw the geese I hit my brakes hard and came to a stop when I suddenly heard, "Oh Sh*t!" behind me followed immediately by the unmistakable sound of metal hitting metal and carbon fiber several times. I immediately jumped to the side thinking I was about to get hit from behind. Scattered on the ground behind me were 4 riders all in a heap. They had been drafting me and I didn't even know it. They all ended up riding away from the scene with only scrapes and bruises leaving me shaking my head.

As they rode away I called out, "How long were you guys behind me?"

"Since Woodinville." That was 6 miles or about 20 minutes given my average speed back then. The next week I bought a mirror.

If you MUST draft...

  1. Stay away from me. Seriously. If I wanted you to draft me I would invite you. The only drafting I allow is in times of war.

  2. Make sure the person you are drafting knows that you are back there. Shout something like, "On your wheel!" or "Do you mind if I draft?"

  3. Know the etiquette and hand signals for turns, slowing, road hazards, etc. The best way to do that is to ask someone because everyone seems to do it somewhat differently.

  4. Only take the lead if you know what you are doing. If you don't have a clue how to lead a pace line admit it and ask to stay back in the pack. If you screw things up you will get some choice words from the other riders and then dropped like 3rd period French.


I live around hills. Big hills. Think "San Francisco" style hills. They simply can't be avoided. Don't believe me? My rain route has a hill section 200m long with an average grade of around 16% and a max of about 20-22%. I don't always have to take that route but the alternatives are a 1 mile hill with a 10% grade and a 1/2 mile hill with a 13% grade. A pitch like that will get your attention. Going up steep hills is one thing but going down them, especially in the rain, can be tricky.

In 2007, when I got back into cycling, I bought a cheap bike computer. One day I was going down my favorite hill, in traffic, and decided I was going fast enough to "take the lane" and ride with traffic. I knew I was going over 40 MPH but it didn't feel all that fast. When I hit the bottom I glanced down at my bike computer to find my max speed: 52.7 MPH. Holy cow. That was, and will remain, my fastest recorded land speed record. On that descent I pulled into traffic about 50 feet behind a panel truck, thinking they might be safer to follow than an SUV or mini-van. What I didn't realize was that, even at 50 feet, I was still in his air pocket. In a sense I was drafting him. That's why it didn't feel that fast. I pondered on that speed all day. That was a risk I should not have taken. I control my speed much better now.

Over at the Fat Cyclist blog, Fatty tells about his experience riding in France where one of the riders in his group crashed on a fast downhill. That little incident resulted in multiple fractures for the rider, one of them a compound fracture.

In 2010 I found myself head-over-heels after coming into a turn too fast during a triathlon. It happens to the best of us. }B^)

If you ride hills...

  1. Check your brakes frequently - The last place you want to discover your worn out brake pads is when you are bombing a descent at 40 MPH. Your helmet is not rated for crashes at that speed and spandex... well, you get the picture.

  2. Invest in a bike with disk brakes - My new commuter bike has disks and I LOVE IT. If you can't put disks on your existing commuter then...

  3. Consider ceramic-coated rims for your next wheelset - They offer similar stopping power to disk at much lighter weight and can be put on just about any bike.

  4. Keep your speed under control - The best way to minimize stopping distance is to minimize speed. Yes, I love to bomb down my favorite hill but only in good weather and during light traffic. Other times I keep my speed down and my hands on the brake hoods.

  5. Get to know the stopping power of your brakes and how long it takes to do an emergency stop. Have you ever TRIED locking up your brakes at 30+ MPH? Would you be able to keep control and execute an evasive maneuver? The best time to practice is NOT while trying to avoid a BMW or SUV in traffic.

Snow and Ice

From early November through March I am constantly checking the weather forecast. Is there snow in the forecast? I would hate to get stuck at work with my bike during a snow storm. I'll bet I could get a lot of work done!

When I get up in the morning the first thing I look at is the temp outside. If that temp is below 35 degrees I don't ride that day. Or, if the sun is coming out, I wait until the sun has been up for a while to warm up the roads. Two-wheeled vehicles don't fair well on black ice. They tend to lose verticality.

There are companies that sell studded bike tires and one of these days I may make the jump. At $70-90 per tire I think I'll wait a bit.

What About the Pros?

This only applies to professional triathletes but I'm sure there is a fair number of pro cyclists with the same idea.

There is an amazing trend in professional Triathletes: a growing number of top pros are training almost exclusively indoors.


  1. Predictability of conditions.

  2. Nearly infinite ability to completely customize the workout (no reliance on location of hills or long straights).

  3. SAFETY – don’t have to worry about cars, trains, or other riders

Think about it for a minute. If your income and livelihood depend on your ability to perform on race day why would you go out and mix it up with crazy motorists, dog walkers, ninja joggers, and all the other idiots and road hazards out there? Training indoors makes perfect sense for that group of people.

It just doesn't make sense for me. I do have an indoor trainer which I use when the temp drops below freezing. Otherwise I would go NUTS spending all my riding time indoors staring at the walls or watching TV.


And that about covers it. Except for this...

No post about bike safety is complete without an '80s era rap video about riding safely. "Strap it on kids, and WEAR YOUR HELMET WITH PRIDE!"

Copy created by Queensland State Archives:

Ride Report - Bike To Work Day 2011

Commuter Station at NE 124th between Redmond/WoodinvilleLast Friday, May 20th, was Bike To Work Day (BTWD), a great excuse to get people to ride their bikes to work who usually don't have the time, energy, or motivation to otherwise do so. What does that mean for those of us who regularly commute via bike? More people to share the fun! The more people we can get biking the better.

There are bike snobs out there (sorry, I refuse to link to them) who think that Bike To Work Day is the worst day of the year. Some of those even boycott the day completely. I relish it! OK, maybe not, but I am no where near the attitude I refer to. If you want to read the vile put out there about the N00bs who dare to get in their precious way, then please go and do a search yourself. Go ahead, my blog will be waiting for you when you get back from cleaning the vomit off your keyboard.

My favorite BTWD in 2008 was the best. I was in fabulous shape (compared to years previous). I pulled up to a stoplight at the back of a pack of about 20 cyclists waiting to go up a big hill (corner of E. Lake Sammamish Pkwy and Leary Way in Redmond). As the light turned green the guys in the front (obviously not regular riders) were having trouble getting started which caused the group to stop, accordion style. I pulled out to the left of the group and was able to pass the entire group. As I climbed the hill I was able to look back using my rear-view mirror to see the incredible carnage playing out behind me: people falling over because they stopped mid-stroke and couldn't unclip, pushing their bikes (out of shape), while the regular commuters weaved around them trying not to become a victim themselves. Overall there were no serious injuries but lots of colorful metaphors.

This year I decided to do something new: a long route starting early in the morning that would take me by 2 of the BTWD commute stations (i.e. SWAG stops). I even invited some friends from work to join in the fun.

  • Start time: 7:20 am
  • Estimated distance: 19.24 miles
  • Estimated climbing: 1033 feet
  • Estimated time: 90 minutes
  • SWAG stops to hit: 2

Of course things don't always go as planned...

  • Actual start time: 7:35 am (missed meeting my friends)
  • Actual distance: 28.87 miles
  • Actual climbing: 1520 feet
  • Elapsed time: 2:01:55
  • Swag stops hit: 3

      Commute Station on the Sammamish River TrailThe weather was FABULOUS (sunny, highs in the 60s) with very little wind. I kept to my route for the most part but diverted north on the Sammamish River Trail a bit to hit a third SWAG stop in Woodinville. The bad news was that they were closing up shop. The good news was that they told me to take as much food as I wanted because they didn't want to transport it. SWEET! I loaded up on samples of nuts, dried fruit bars, Cliff Bars, and assorted other snacks (this proved useful later). The other commute stations along the way at 60 Acres and the 520 trail were also very thin so I didn't stay long at either place.

The final destination of the morning was a BTWD breakfast hosted by my employer but when I arrived I found that they had literally just run out of food. No! What was to be the highlight of my day turned out to be a bit of a downer. As I was sulking, looking at the empty tables, a good friend, Steve, arrived as well to find the bad news. That's when I remembered by bag full of snacks! The two of us sat down, exchanged ride stories, and chowed down on all the snacks I picked up earlier. The morning had been saved.

Overall the day was a success: I got in my long-ride for the week, hit the commute stations, ate some pretty good food, and socialized with some friends. When I got back to the office I took inventory of the SWAG take for the day, including the snacks that weren't eaten earlier...

BTWD SWAG collection

My ride home was supposed to be an easy 8-mile ride that I have done hundreds of times before but it was not to be. Only 3.5 miles into the ride I popped a spoke nipple and ended up taking the bus home...

Popped rear spoke, drive side spoke nippleMy saving grace, KC Metro route 269

To end the day I took the family down to the Marymoor Park Velodrome in Redmond for some bike racing action. My kids eat this stuff up, especially the Kiernan race with the scooter...

Setting up for the Cat-4 Chariot heat

Next year I think I'll start something new: "Bike to anywhere but work day," thinking that I will take the day off to just bike anywhere that suits my fancy.


April 2011 Wrap-up

Training Summary


Number of swims: 0

Distance: 0

Improvement over previous month: None



Number of bike trips: 13

Total Distance: 128 miles, 9016 feet of climbing

Improvement over previous month: +9 miles



Number of runs: 2

Total Distance: 7.3 miles 

Improvement over previous month: -12.98 (much lower this month)


So my training fell off what I expected in April. May should be much better with the commute challenge and bike-to-work day. As usual I joined the team from work called "Up Hill Both Ways" which describes the route we take. Yes, we seriously go up a big hill both directions.

Cat-6 riders in NYC, courtesy of

Cat 6

I posted a couple months back on Cat-6 racing.

According to Gustavo, a fellow triathlete from work, "Cat-6 is ON!" What in the world is Cat-6? Well, it started out on the forum page in 2008 with a thread titled "Silly Commute Racing." 1039 pages and 3 years later the thread is still going strong. They even came up with a scoring/ranking system to see how well you are doing each day. A blog entry from the New York Times got a lot more people thinking about it.

Even more links: Commute racing from who I think is credited with coming up with the term "Cat-6", and a view of Cat-6 from Shanghai.

Cold Weather Commuting

I thought I was tough because I tried to bike commute through the Seattle winter. Nope, I'm a wuss because I don't ride when it snows/freezes outside. While looking for articles on Cat-6 I ran across this video about bike commuting in Chicago, even through the winter. The helmets and clothes make me think that the video is a few years old but it still makes me look bad. The coldest temp ever seen while I was riding was 28F. A guy in the video doesn't have a problem with 22F. Chicago does have a leg-up on the Seattle in one way: Chicago is pancake flat (compared to the hills in Seattle). If I knew my commute was going to be cold for 1/3 of the year I would probably invest in the studded tires to do it. For now I'm not willing to drop the coin.

Fun Articles

Why Bicyclists Hate Stop Signs - I know I hate them (while on a bike anyway). This article does a fine job of explaining in a somewhat-scientific manner why cyclists should be able to treat stop signs as yield signs. Yet another reason for car drivers to hate cyclists.

The Truth About Running Vs. Walking - I've always heard from various sources that walking and running 1 mile required the same amount of energy so, if you are trying to lose weight, it made no difference if you were walking or running. My father, a life-time distance runner, has always disagreed with me. Looks like he was right all along. Or was he?

How To Get Your City To Notice and Fix Potholes  - This is priceless. One of these days I'll actually try it. Click to link to see why it is so funny.





Bike Commuting: How?

This post is the second in a series on bike commuting and covers some of the "how" related to bike commuting. Other posts include Why?,  Safety, and Weather Issues.

Commuter Bikes

If I had a nickel for every time someone asked me "What kind of bike should I buy?" I would be a rich man.

The short answer is: whatever bike that you will ride the most. Does that sound odd? The most expensive bike in the world is the one you never ride. I'll write up a longer article around bikes later on but here are the basics:

  1. Fit: this is first-A-#1 important. If your bike doesn't fit then you will be miserable and might even develop muscular, skeletal, or posture related issues.  And you probably won't ride it very often. A good bike shop will start with fit (probably charging you for it) and move on to bike models from there.
  2. Bike type: Off-road, touring, road racing, TT/Tri bike... the list goes on. If you are training for triathlons then you have to ask yourself: do you want a tri bike that you can use for commuting or a commuter bike that can be used for triathlons? I went somewhere in the middle: a carbon road bike that doubles as a good-weather commuter with clip-on aero bars for tri racing.
  3. Find a good LBS (local bike shop). A good LBS will find the best bike that fits your body and for the type of riding you will doing. After the sale be sure to patronize them for accessories, clothing, and maintenance since their margins on bike sales are razor thin. When you need them in a pinch that relationship can help you get expidited maintenance/repairs and the only thing it will cost you is a dozen doughnuts extra.
  4. Test Ride: Narrow down your selection to 2-3 bikes and then take them out for a ride. And I'm not talking about a 5-10 minute trip around the block. Get out on a trail or road and spend a good hour-plus in the saddle. Do you like the way it handles? Does it shift smoothly? Do you like the saddle? (most places will switch out saddles)
  5. Ride it early and often. Most shops will work with you to fine-tune your setup in the first month or so, even switching out components or saddles with minimal cost (unless you upgrade). They are less likely to do this if you let the bike sit for 6 months before you decide you need a 135mm saddle instead of a 125mm.

One last word on shoes: if you are new to riding get yourself a good pair of bike shoes. Cleat type is subjective but most any will work in the long run. Your pedal power will increase tremendously, especially on hills. Don't believe me? Borrow a pair from a friend or try a test ride at your LBS and you will be convinced. On my first climb up Sahalee Way (a local street hill near my house) I cut over 3 minutes off my time (1 mile, 10% average grade). And the next day I couldn't stand up from the muscle soreness. Don't make that mistake and ease into climbing big hills.

Commute Gear

Where do I start? The basics for your basic "fair weather rider" can be pretty slim -

  1. Jersey
  2. Shorts
  3. Socks
  4. Shoes
  5. Gloves (light, fingerless variety)
  6. Helmet
  7. Bike
  8. Bike Computer
  9. Repair Kit (pump, spare tube)
  10. Flashy lights (be-seen lights)

Seems pretty spartan, right? That's the point. In the warm months (late Spring through early Fall) I don't carry much more than that. I do sometimes have a small backpack for my computer which I sometimes have to bring home.

In the colder/wetter months the list gets MUCH longer, changing to long-sleeve jerseys, long cycling pants, rain jacket, the list goes on (for the full list, check the gear page). The point with my clothes is not necessarily to stay dry but to stay warm even though you may get very wet. I have been so wet that I was literally pouring water out of my shoes at the end of the ride but was toasty warm.

Why the bike computer? I use my Garmin as a training aid and because I'm a statistics nerd who is anal about numbers. I use the course feature every day and race against my best times for a given route to see if I can get a faster time. The training this provides allows me to skip a trip to the gym several times a week.

If you are on a budget it makes sense to start out as a fairweather commuter and then venture out into the cold and wet when you have gathered enough gear to make it comfortable. It only takes a couple of cold commutes to figure out where your tolerances lie.

Issue #1: Time

The first big hurdle I had to overcome was time. It takes time to commute by bike, typically more than by car. When I first began bicycle commuting my typical commute by car was 40 minutes "in" and 45-60 minutes to get home (round trip of 85-105 minutes). The ride in via bike was just under an hour of riding. Add in all the other time factors and the 1-way trip can be even longer-

  1. 5 minutes: gather gear for your bike and fill water bottle
  2. 5 minutes: pre-flight check on your bike (brakes, tire pressure, chain lubrication status, etc)
  3. 55 minutes: actual ride time (varies from 50-60 minutes)
  4. 10 minutes: shower/change (a MUST in my case, but YMMV)

Total time: 75 minutes. Compare that to my 40 minute car commute and the time starts to add up quickly. My drive and ride times have gone down recently (20-25 by car and 35 by bike) but that means the comparison of bike to car is now 25 vs. 55 minutes (more than double the time). Making this choice means making some time sacrifices in other aspects of your personal/work schedule. In bad weather months the car commute time goes up to 40-60 minutes while the bike times remain about the same.

What about other forms of commuting? Is a bus worth the time? In my case the answer is "maybe". If I time it right I can be to work in just under an hour by bus, which includes walking time (bus stop is 1/3 of a mile away from my house) and time on the bus (bus stop is a few hundred yards from my office). It is an option on days where I don't wish to ride but still much longer than by car.

Sometimes busses can be incredibly slow, as illustrated by this video by a NYC commuter where he beat a bus in a 1 mile race on a Manhattan street on a big wheel. Yes, a child's play toy can be faster than riding a bus in a metro area with high street congestion. Imagine what you can do if you bike, run/jog, rollerblade, etc.

Issue #2: Weather

The day I'm writing this section (18 Apr 2011) it snowed on me. Then in the afternoon of the same day it was sunny with only a few clouds. Unless you are in the desert in the middle of summer or Monsoon season in southeast Asia your weather can be an unpredictable nightmare. Do you dress warm? Do you bring a rain jacket? Should you be prepared and suffer the extra weight of all that ballast?

Here are my main rules for weather:

  1. Temp below freezing or ice/snow on the ground = I don't ride. I can drive my car in the ice/snow but riding on 2 wheels without studded snow tires is a recipe for disaster. My preference for remaining injury free overides my necessity to ride every day.
  2. I made the investment in rain/cold weather gear so, by jove, I'm going to use it. Rain won't stop me but hail/snow will force me to pull over and wait it out. Have you ever had hail hit you in the face at 40 MPH? It doesn't feel good.
  3. If there is even a hint of rain in the forecast I bring along my rain gear, or at least my rain jacket.

Issue #3: Fitness (Getting Started)

This issue depends completely on your locality, commute distance, and topography (more on topography below). If you are a couch potato, like I used to be, getting on a bike and riding even 5 to 10 miles can be a challenge. When I first bought my road bike, after a 10+ year hiatus from cycling, I rode it around the block. I learned 2 things immediately-

  1. Pinch flats can be easily prevented with proper tire inflation. }B^)
  2. I was incredibly out of shape, even though I had recently lost 60+ pounds via diet and exercise.

It may take several months of dedicated riding to get your fitness level up to the point where you are comfortable commuting on a daily basis. At any rate, go to your doctor and get a physical exam before starting a bike commute regimen, just as you should before starting ANY exercise program.

Issue #4: Breakdowns

I HATE flat tires. I have very little tolerance for them, so much so that I spent extra money on some Schwalbe Marathon  and Durano tires for my commute bikes that are nearly bullet proof. I also ride with Slime Tubes (self-healing tubes). This allows me to ride on all types of surfaces that may not exactly be "debris free" and do it without the fear of getting a flat. 

So what do you do if find yourself with a mechanical issue that can't be fixed with the supplies you have on hand (which, for me, is most anything other than a flat tire or broken chain link)? You must have a backup plan. That plan can include having a taxi company in your cell phone address book (make sure you ask them to send a mini-van or car with large trunk for your bike), have your spouse or significant other on-call, and/or ride along a bus route where you can catch the bus and get a ride home.

I have done all 3. It never hurts to be extra prepared.

Issue #5: Emergencies

How do you get home quickly/immediately if there is a some type of emergency involving your family, the weather, or your health? Once again this is where you need to make additional plans ahead of time. The taxi, spouse/significant other, and bus are options. Some employers also provide a "ride home" in such emergencies if it happens while you are at work and will transport you home at no cost to you. YMMV.

Issue #6: Topography

I live in the Seattle, WA area and man, do we have hills! My typical commute is 8 miles and 650 feet of climbing, each way. Yes, my commute is "up hill both ways". I'm sure some day my kids will laugh at that joke. On my way home I immediately drop 300 feet of elevation in the first mile, ride across a valley, then climb up 400 feet and end it with a couple of rollers. My ride into work is the opposite.

Hills can be a big challenge. If you don't have a shower facility at your work this may be a show-stopper. Some of us (ahem, like me) really work up a sweat that would make me rather "anti-social" without at least a quick shower before returning to work.

Your fitness level may dictate if this is even an option. It was several months before I was able to climb the hills around here without stopping to catch my breath. Now it's not even a consideration. The only time I have stopped on a hill since then was due to mechanical or weather issues.

Issue #7: Illness

As I wrote recently, illness can be a huge issue for commuting/training. The summer months are the easiest because the sickness level at our house goes through the roof once school starts.

So what do you do if you get sick? Well, that depends on what exactly is making you sick. Common cold? Bacterial infection in your nose, sinuses, and/or throat? You might be able to ride. Ear congestion? Dizzy, vomiting, or flu symptoms? Hang up your helmet and stay home. Your best bet is to talk to your doctor. Sorry, there is no easy answer on this one.

Well that about does it. Next time we cover more safety strategies.


Bike commuting: Why?

This is the first in a multi-part series on bike commuting. Other posts cover How?, Safety, and Weather Issues.

My History

I got my first bike when I was 6. It was a Coast King 5000 BMX-style bike that I literally beat into the ground. My parents were smart enough to get me a helmet back in the days before helmet laws. I rode that bike to school every time I could, which was quite often. I handed that bike down to my brother when I picked up a Diamond Back Viper for my 11th birthday. I rode that bike to school through my Junior High days and off-road into my teen years until the frame broke (joint between the down tube and headset).

When I was big enough I started riding my Dad's Schwinn Varsity road bike to school, complete with 70's all-leather Brooks saddle. I'll have to dig up a pic of that bike in its hey-day before my brother and I destroyed it with years of abuse and poor maintenance. That road bike got me into doing longer rides. I even rode it to my first job as a teenager at the local Kmart. One of these days I'll write up the story of my night-time encounter with the skunk.

At the age of 19 I served a mission for the LDS church in Arkansas, Tennessee, and Mississippi. If you have ever seen Mormon missionaries then chances are you saw them on bikes. My mission bike was a Schwinn High Plains mountain bike which I bought new in 1993, outfitted with rear-rack and full fenders. I took much better care of that bike and, 17 years later, I am still riding it as my primary all-weather commute bike. All told I estimate that I put nearly 3000 miles on that bike in 2 years. Then, with only a few random bike experiences, it sat nearly idle until 2005. I did try out a couple of bike commutes around 1999 but wasn't very commited to it.

Reason #1: Fitness

Between 1997 and 2005 I really let my health slide, gaining a lot of weight and paying no attention to it. That is until I went to get a physical exam from my doctor and found out that my cholesterol level was 235 and I had high blood pressure and hypertension. This scared me into action. Several folks from work recommended the 20/20 Lifestyles program at the Pro Club, just down the street in Bellevue, WA. To make a long story short I lost 65 pounds and redunced my cholesterol and blood pressure to very managable levels and put my life back onto the fitness track.

In an attempt to maintain my weight I set a goal in 2007 to complete my first Triathlon. In order to do that I had to have a bike, of course. My bike shopping experience was a little overwhelming (more on this in a later post). In the end I purchased a Scattante CFR Comp road bike and started riding. I race in Triathlons as a goal but the primary method I use to get there is bike commuting.

My "How?" post details how I use bike commuting to maintain fitness.

Reason #2: Gas prices

In 2008 gas prices in my area spiked up to almost $4.35/gallon. This pushed me to do more bike commuting than the year before and eventually do 3 triathlons and my first century (Bike MS tour in Mount Vernon, WA).

Has bike commuting affected the amount of miles that I commute? ABSOLUTELY.

Reason #3: Reduce commute expenses

With significantly declining mileage each year it is obvious that bike commuting has positively affected the amount of money I spend on commute expenses. The primary cost is not gas but vehicle cost (less than $1800/year): I drive an older car and have no current plans to replace it, assuming no accidents or unforeseen mechanical disasters. Defering the cost of that replacement and extending the life of that older car does come with a higher maintenance cost (older vehicles are inherently more expensive to maintain). That maintence cost is much less than the initial purchase price of the vehicle spread out evenly each year over the life of the car (i.e. depreciation for you accounting nerds)

Now this whole idea of cost savings may be a pipe dream. Why? Bike commuting isn't cheap if you go for all the gadgets, clothing, bells/whistles, etc. that are being promoted out there by everyone and your dog. If you aren't familiar with this phenomenon go to any REI, your local bike shop, or any online bike store and you will see the vast array of things for which they will gladly give you for a price. I have accumulated a lot of gear over the past 4 years but it has been very gradual. I am also a big fan of the clearance rack and wait until I can find things at very low cost before I make a purchase. The "normal wear and tear" items will rack up quite a bill as well: tubes, tires, chains, cassettes, shorts, shoe cleats... More on this one later too.

Reason #4: FUN!

I love to ride. My commute is beautiful. I have met new friends and re-enforced old friendships while riding to work. Local commute challenges and contests make it even more rewarding. The miles I ride get me in shape for the really cool stuff such as Tour de Blast, Cycle Oregon, Crater Lake Century... the list goes on.

So there you have it. I ride because it keeps me healthy, might save me money, and it's a heck of a lot of fun. Why do you commute? Share your thoughts in the comments!
